Echoes of Light Splashes
Light echoes as it reflects off a surface. The bounce back produces
a delayed, fainter “echo” of the original source. For instance, this
curiosity of light echo occurs in space when light from a
distant source reflects off interstellar dust or gas.
Waterfalls show the splendor of sunlight and water colliding as they travel together, splashing against rocks, pulled by earthly forces over irregular avenues of twists and turns, pathways generated and modified over years of global evolution, years of disasters and surprises.
Light gives life to the sprays that ricochet in arrays of diamond-like droplets, to the shiny, clear water rushing over rocks, rushing for hundreds of years, thousands of years, along the same vertical drop to end in a glistening pond of its making, its contents full of light, light it carried on the journey.
Light cascades with the waterfall, bringing the water to life, giving glimmers of vitality and hope, passing through the clear waters as the streams, tiny and large, careen over rigid objects whose strength to impede fails to deter the bounce of irradiated micro-streams, winding through irregular hard surfaces towards their destiny.
Light shines through waterfalls, showing the interplay, the intertwining of two disparates living in harmony, the bliss of wonders blending, mesmerizing in an unexpected majesty of synergy, their differences combined into a symphony of echoes so sweet, a snapshot of bliss, where aspirations merge.
All Rights Reserved. © Steve Gerkin | May not be reprinted without permission.