Hello, Brainerd
A Postcard Thread
To: Miss Gulda Miller, Sunbury, Iowa, July 27, 1907
One of these days, I’m going to take a month off. I will certainly enjoy myself. Having Sunday every day and picnics galore. Say girlie, how did the examination turn out? Please, write and let me know as I am anxiously awaiting you reply concerning the result. Are you having a good time, Hilda? How is everybody? Give my love to all. A.B. (Annabelle Babcock
To: Annabelle Babcock, Brainerd, Minnesota, August 3, 1907
Sister Hilda is indeed enjoying her summer vacation from Wilton German English College, up the road. I suppose you are enjoying the picnics and all. No fun here. Bet teaching those little kids is trying. My medical examination showed I have gout. The bank was held up. Best wishes, Gulda
To: Miss Gulda Miller, Sunbury, Iowa, August 27, 1907 With all that railroad money, I guess the bank was loaded. Anyone suspected? We had a bit of incident at bingo at the Lutheran Church, Sunday night. Is Hilda going to the dance hall? Too bad about the gout. Yours, A.B.
To: Annabelle Babcock, Brainerd, Minnesota, September 4, 1907
You betcha, we know who robbed the bank. Remember when Lyle Hubbard had that farm accident and lost his right hand and they put a hook in its place. He was so much fun to dance with – twirling us so? Well, guess what, the robber snatched the sack of railroad money with a hook on his right arm. Lyle is missing. So is Hilda. Your friend, Gulda.
To: Miss Gulda Miller, Sunbury, Iowa, September 27, 1907
I remember Lyle from our school days in Wilton Junction. Always been a bad seed. But charming. My new friend, Jane, threw a fit at bingo. Concerned about Hilda. Any news? Back at school. Good to be back. Tired of quilting and bingo. Though Jane always made it interesting. Forever, A.B.
To: Annabelle Babcock, Brainerd, Minnesota, October 5, 1907
Lyle was nabbed in West Liberty and jailed in Iowa City. $1000 is still missing. After a firm scolding from the police, Hilda was returned to us, along with a chest of her new clothes. Sorry about Jane. Oh, dear. Gotta go. Gulda
To: Miss Gulda Miller, Sunbury, Iowa, October 27, 1907
Guldie, my sweet. Jane has been infirmed at the Facility for the Feebleminded. I will miss her quirks. She has such a pleasant smile. Lyle should get what is coming to him. No comment on Hilda. She must miss Lyle. I am calling bingo this year.
Think it will be fun, I suppose. Miss you, A.B.
To: Annabelle Babcock, Brainerd, Minnesota, November 6, 1907
Thinking about leaving Sunbury. The rumors about Hilda and the dance hall boys makes my life unbearable. We are Lutherans for crying out loud, not Catholics. Do you like Brainerd? The family is coming for Thanksgiving. Mother is bringing her mincemeat pie, as usual. May see you soon. All my best. Gulda.
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